Rishi to face some severe consequences | Bollywood Masala | Latest Bollywood News
Haters gonna hate, Rishi Kapoor doesn?t care a damn about what you guys think of him.Despite as many trolls and criticisms, this man makes sure he voices his thoughts every time, even if he is well aware it?s going to fuel a helluva controversy. One such instance happened yesterday when he went on a Twitter rant against Congress party. He made a scathing attack against the grand old party of India for naming Indian assets and government projects after its icons from the Nehru-Gandhi family. Oh! We really applaud his guts for being this voice of many who have been wanting to put forth this very same question. But as always, his ?apolitical argument? turned out to spark a new controversy where Vikas Patil, president of the cultural cell of the Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee has now warned Rishi that if he doesn?t apologise, he won?t be allowed to shoot in Maharashtra. Yes!