Unch Bharari | Ep 01 | Marathi Series | Success | BK Laxmi Didi | What is Success ?
Right from childhood up until old age every human being wants to achieve success in their respective fields. In order to acquire this success we utilize various procedures plans along with extreme efforts. But often times we have to face failure. Today we give importance to all the external aspects in order to gain success but many times we forget the one who is trying to achieve this success that is our own self we forget to pay attention to us or forget to take some time off for our mental wellbeing. This is the reason why even when we obtain the material success like we acquire a respectable post-position or we manage to gain a lot of money but all this is still limited to external life. Do we always truly feel blissful and atune with our internal morals and senses? External success is not complete it is not entirely fulfilling. When we will be fulfilled internally along with the external achievements that is when we will truly be able to experience complete success. Through the series of episodes of this program ‘Unch Bharari’ you will be able to learn all the important aspects of life to achieve total success external as well as internal which will in reality make your life greater than ever. Spirituality meditation brahma kumaris mediatation centre brahma kumaris course mudhuban murli learn meditation rajyoga meditation godlywood studio bk classes madhuban aaj ka purusharth avyakt bapdada avyakt murli bk suraj bhai classes samadhan bk song happiness Our Social Media Sites: Youtube : Facebook : Twitter : Instagram: Production House: Godlywood Studio Organizer: Brahmakumaris Our Websites: Email Learn Rajyoga Meditation free of cost at your nearest Brahma Kumaris Spiritual Center.