Arijit recently apologized to Salman | Bollywood Masala | Latest Bollywood News
Indeed, Arijit Singh committed nothing short of a blunder by publicly sending out an apology to Salman Khan last night. Despite being one of the most popular singers in Bollywood, he decided to kill his self respect by requesting Salman to retain his song in Sultan as he wrote, ?Nevertheless you felt insulted and I understood and I felt extremely sorry about it as me and my family have been your fan since long. I tried to explain so many times but you never got it. I apologized but you never got it. How many times I sent you apology texts you also know. No problem I apologize here In front of everyone but please it is a request Please do not remove the song that I sang for you in Sultan. You want anyone else to sing this song, absolutely fine but keep a version at least. I have sung enough songs sir. But I want to retire with at least one song of you keeping in my library. Please do not take away this feeling.?