मम्मा की आवाज़ में जानिए सर्वव्यापी किसे कहते है स्पष्टीकरण के साथ | Gyan Veena - Date 13.4.1965 ||
सर्वव्यापी किसे कहते है ? || Gyan Veena - Date 13.4.1965 || (Mamma)
Mateshwari Jagadamba Saraswati (Mamma - World Mother) -
#mateshwari mamma #Mumma
Whom the world remember as Aadi Devi (first deity) or Eve as written in many texts. In Vedas Saraswati is described as the goddess of Knowledge. We now understand that Saraswati is spiritual daughter of Prajapita Brahma and also is the World mother (Jagat Amba) through whom God fulfills everyone's wishes. Therefore Jagadamba is worshiped so much. Wishes are fulfilled by incorporeal one through this world mother. Come and know the divine journey of 'most worshiped' human soul. How serving and simple the life of our Yagya mother was know through those who actually lived with her witnessed her virtues and spiritual stage listened the nectar of knowledge flowing from Mamma's mouth.
Loukik birth in around 1920 an attractive personality named Radha was born to the mother Rocha and father Pokardas in Amritsar Punjab.
''Most virtuous soul of all'' - everyone who witnessed Mamma would feel this and tell you. Mamma came to Yagya in early stage of life and upon listening Murli immediately surrendered in the God's mission. At such young age Mamma became spiritually matured and took responsibility of the Yagya in hands. When there was case run against Om Mandli Mamma appeared in court to protect Om mandli and gave such testimony (gawahi) that even the judge was silent. Mamma explained them that how the incorporeal God has placed Dada Lekhraj as the medium and he is teaching us through him. That how can a human being know this knowledge and it is God who commands us to remain pure (pure in mind words and actions) and every human have right to decide and direct their own life. Om mandli wins the case. Mamma won hearts making everyone to think.
''Baba said Mamma executes. No question. No doubt in mind.''
Mamma had a very sharp intellect. She would explain Baba's Murli in classes after churning the knowledge said in murli. Churning dharna introspection inner joy silence royalty and belongingness to God - these are few of the qualities Mamma acquired after coming in Yagya. Mamma had won hearts of all surrendered brother and sisters. Everyone loved her. Mamma's motto was 'One Faith One Power' & 'Never give or take the sorrow'. Mamma was actually a reflection of what Murli or Shrimat is. Mamma was the ideal Godly student. No one matched her in obeying Shrimat. Mamma use to wake up at 2 AM in morning for Amritvela Yog (meditation). Not only she mastered the Self and senses but also guided many in this path of spiritual upliftment in becoming a deity from a human. By only seeing Mamma many decided to give away their 5 vices and become as pure and great as her.
Mamma's role in Gyan Yagya is special since the beginning. And this role became eminent after 1950 when the group settled in Mount Abu and started the service across India. Mamma went on services and many new centres started to open. Mamma was responsible for finance of Yagya and so she always kept economy and effectiveness balanced (i.e. only spend money for right purpose)
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