Jayesh Srivastava Aegis Alumni sharing experience @Aegis School of Data Science
Jayesh Srivastava Business Analyst Reliance Retail sharing experience @Aegis School of Data Science Education Qualification: Master's Degree in Global Business Contemporary Marketing Management from S P Jain School of Global Management Convocation ceremony convened by Aegis School of Business Data Science Cyber Security and Telecommunication to confer the Post Graduate Program in Data Science Business analytics and Big Data in association with IBM at The Park Hotel in Navi Mumbai on 28th April 2019. Convocation proceedings were carried by Dr. Abhijit Gangopadhyay Dean Aegis School. He congratulated and awarded PGP certification by Aegis and IBM to all the graduating students. Srikanth Velamakanni Co-founder & CEO of Fractal Analytics delivered the Convocation address to graduating students. Meet participants of Aegis School of Data Science's PGP/EPGP in Data Science Business Analytics & Big Data in association with IBM. Get the Best Brains trained and certified jointly by IBM and Aegis having skills and competency in Data Science Business Analytics Big Data Machine Learning AI Natural Language Process (NLP) Text Mining Data Mining Cognitive Computing Hadoop Spark IBM Watson IBM Cognos Infosphere Big Insight IBM SPSS SAS Tableau etc Write to Taranjit Oberai at for your talent needs. Check Full Time PGP in Data Science Business Analytics & Big Data in association with IBM at Part Time Executive Weekend program in Mumbai Pune Bangalore Online Executive PGP Program worldwide About Aegis: Aegis is a leading higher education provider in the field of Telecom Data Science Business Analytics Big Data Machine Learning Deep Learning and Cyber Security. Aegis was started in 2002 with the support of Airtel Bharti among the top five mobile operators to develop the cross functional techno-business leaders. Aegis is the number one school for Data Science and among the top five for business analytics in India. It has campuses in Mumbai Pune and Banaglore. Aegis & IBM jointly delivers full time and Executive Post Graduate Program/MS in Data Science Business Analytics Big Data and Cyber Security. Aegis offers Deep Learning courses in partnership with NVIDIA. Find more about Aegis at