Rishi Kapoor ki Comeback Film...
Rishi Kapoor who has been taking cancer treatments in New York from sometime is all set to make a Bollywood comeback with film 'Jhootha Kahin Ka'. The tile of this film has come from the Rishi's original 1979 film 'Jhootha Kahi Ka'. Tarshan Adarsh who is a trade analyst shared this new on his social media account stating Rishi to come back on Big Screen on 19th July 2019. The co-actor in this film are Jimmy Shregill, Omkar Kapoor, Sunny Singh, Manoj Joshi and Lillete Dubey and directed by Smeep Kang. Story of the film revolves around Omkar and Sunny who go to Mauritius for higher studies but instead have a gala time around, but Rishi who plays father to Omkar gives him a surprise visit. Rishi is set to be back in Mumbai in the month of September and so most probably he will miss the screening of his comeback film 'Jhootha Kahin Ka'.