'Good friends' or more than 'just friends | Bollywood Masala | Latest Bollywood News
Parineeti Chopra???s love life has taken an all new turn and with that we are referring to her recent split with boyfriend-producer Maneesh Sharma. Yes! Although the couple never really came out in open about their relationship but everyone who belongs to the industry is aware that Pari and Maneesh have been seeing each other for over three years now. In fact, Pari too in an interview had dropped evident hints saying things like, ???I love him(Maneesh), I love him a lot and he is the greatest person I have met. I consider him my best friend. My parents too really like him and every time I buy something like a car or house, my mother will send him a text saying, ???Thank you again and it???s because of you, she is here.??? He is the angel in my life.??? While many assumed they???ll soon be taking their relationship to the next level. Our source EXCLUSIVELY reveals to us how the two are no longer together. That???s right!