Schnecken - German Bread | The Dessert Queen - Neelanjali | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana
Watch this video to find out how to make this recipe. Click to subscribe for more recipe. SCHNECKEN – GERMAN BREAD Ingredients 420 grams refined flour (maida) + for dusting 115 grams butter 242 ml milk 63 grams castor sugar 1 tablespoon activated yeast 2 eggs Topping 170 grams butter + for greasing 130 grams brown sugar 85 ml light corn syrup 85 grams pecans, roasted Filling 200 grams castor sugar 1 tablespoon cinnamon powder Method 1. Heat butter in a non-stick pan. Add milk and castor sugar and let the sugar melt completely. 2. Transfer in a bowl and cool for a while. Add activated yeast, mix well and set aside. 3. Break one egg in another bowl. 4. Take remaining egg and separate the yolk from the white. Add the yolk to the bowl and beat lightly. 5. Add the beaten eggs to the milk mixture and mix lightly. Add flour and keep whisking to make a smooth dough. Set aside to prove for 20 minutes 6. Dust the worktop with some flour and knead the dough lightly to a soft bowl. 7. To make topping, heat butter in a non-stick pan. Add brown sugar and corn syrup, mix well and let the sugar melt. 8. Roughly chop pecans and set aside. Grease a glass baking dish with some butter. 9. Pour the butter-sugar mixture in the greased dish and add chopped pecans. Refrigerate to set. 10. Preheat oven to 180° C. 11. Dust the worktop with some flour, place the dough on it and roll out into a 1 inch thick sheet. 12. To make filling, mix together castor sugar and cinnamon powder in a bowl. 13. Sprinkle some filling on the sheet and roll tightly into a log. Sprinkle some more filling on top and cut into thick roundels. 14. Coat the roundels with some more filling and arrange in the baking dish over the topping. Put the dish in the preheated oven and bake for 35-40 minutes. Remove from oven and cool. 15. Demould and serve. Click to Subscribe: Facebook :- Twitter :-