Bahubali ki shaadi hui pakki...!!
Bahubali actor Prabhas doesn't just have his fan following in the country but across the globe. The recent news which might just sway each one is that Prabhas is all set for his marriage. This news though is surprising but is sure to break millions of hearts. Prabhas is busy shooting for his upcoming film Saahu. Post this film he will tie the knot and this news is confirmed by his uncle (mother's brother) itself. So, the question which also arises is who will be that lucky girl? There have been lot of news that say Prabhas is dating Anushka since 11 years and have a relation which go on & off. So, is Anushka going to be that woman who marries Bahubali? The big question is on which date will Prabhas finally get married, as from 2 years there have been same rumors doing the rounds. So, with time will only all such questions be given and hope they amaze us like their blockbuster film Bahubali.