Anoop Bose's 'कामयाबी का सफर in Data Science' - From BA in Economics to Data Scientist
No Technical knowledge required No coding background required..And you can still become a Data Scientist. Seems impossible is'n it? With your determination at aegis you can make it possible. Here is the story of Anoop Bose know why he chose Aegis School of Data Science and launched himself as a Data Engineer at LTI. 'कामयाबी का सफर in Data Science' is a video series by Aegis school of Data Science and Cybersecurity showcasing number of experiences and life lessons shared by data scientists with different academic backgrounds in conversation with Shweta Chavan. Here's the conversation with Aegis Alumni Anoop Bose currently working as a Data Engineer at LTI. #careerindatascience #DataScientist #datasciencejobs #datasciencecourse #IBM #bestdatascienceinstitute