Cyber Security Conference Opening Note By Bhupesh Daheria
Opening Note: Bhupesh Daheria, CEO of Aegis School of Business Future of Cyber Security: Latest Emerging trends: Vaidyanathan Iyer, IBM Security Asia pacific Head Cybersecurity in the Digital World: Sridhar Govardhan, Cyber Security-Head, Wipro New Age Cyber Threat Landscape:Jaizal,Founder and CEO of Redteam Cybersecurity Labs Cyber Security And Artificial Intelligence: Kavitha Gupta, CIPP/ A Senior Counsel-Asia Pacific for MNC Challenges on Effective Cyber Security & Threat Analysis: Harsh Pant, Technical director at Singtel AI and ML in Cyber Security: Amit Gupta, Director at 7iss Trends and landscape in Cyber Security: Satish Kumar, CISO at Wibmo and Secretary at ISACA Bangalore Chapter Cyber Risk Modelling and Insurance: Arjun Bhaskaran, VP- Insurance solutions and Head of CS at Aegis schoo