Meetup Aegis-IBM on Data Science AI ML Deep Learning Analytics
���������80 percent of all applications will have an AI component by 2020��������� IDC Around 1.4 lakh jobs vacant for AI Big Data Analytics roles in India a Nasscom report said July 26 2018 Shortage of 1.5 mm Data Scientists by 2018 by McKinsey Meetup by Aegis-IBM on AI Data Science Analytics Machine Learning and Deep Learning: What it takes to be a Data Scientist Business analyst? AI Machine Learning DL Engineer? Explore & learn everything you wanted to know about Data Scientist Data Science Big Data Business Analytics AI Machine Learning Deep Learning NLP Cognitive Computing etc. Speaker: Mr Bhupesh Daheria CEO Aegis School of Data Science; Founder mUniCampus (; Partner Data Science Delivered; Data Science Congress; Aegis Graham Bell Awards. He has addressed over 60000 professional on data science analytic ML etc in last three years across the country. Check his profile at Mr Rohit Mahajan Research Scholar - Data Science and Machine Learning at Aegis School of Data Science. He is Skilled in Machine Learning with R Python Matlab and Spark MLlib. Have worked with multiple ML algorithms with high-Level Expertise in SVM Neural Network and Random Forrest Info Session by Ms Yashashree Hardikar Data Science Adviser Aegis School of Data Science. You can reach her at Cell:+91 8828084908 Aegis is a leading school for Data Science Analytics AI Big Data Machine Learning Deep Learning Cyber Security and other disruptive technologies. Aegis was founded in the year 2002 with support from Bharti Airtel to develop cross-functional technology leaders. In 2015 Aegis and IBM collaborated to launch India first Post Graduate Program (PGP) in Data Science Business Analytics and Big Data and later in 2017 PGP in Cyber Security. These programs are jointly certified and delivered by Aegis association with IBM. IBM has set up Business Analytics Lab and Cloud Computing Lab at Aegis Campus. Aegis also has collaboration with NVIDIA for developing a skill for Deep Learning in India. Aegis takes up various industry projects research and consulting assignments in the field of data science under its initiative known as Data Science Delivered and Data Science for social good. Aegis is also helping organizations for devolving skills for data science ML DL Big Data Analytics and Cyber Security etc. Check the program offered by Aegis PGP in Data Science Business Analytics & Big Data in association with IBM - Full Time - Weekend - Online PGP in Cyber Security in association with IBM - Full Time - Weekend PGP in Applied AI Machine Learning & Deep Learning in association with IBM - Full Time - Weekend - Online