AGBA Data Science AI & Cyber Security Talent Hunt
AGBA National Talent Hunt DATA SCIENCE AI & CYBERSECURITY AEGIS GRAHAM BELL AWARDS (AGBA) NATIONAL TALENT HUNT for AI Data Science & Cyber Security 2019 is inviting the best brains who have the potential to grow as leaders in the exponential technology fields of AI Data Sciences & Cyber Security. AGBA-Talent Hunt is an initiative to foster a culture of innovation in India and to reward and appreciate the best talents. This effort is dedicated to helping the students who shall be tomorrow's flag bearers in exponential technologies and shall be a vital link in nation-building by working on the following areas: - AI and Data Science for Social Good like child & women trafficking; crime prevention and prediction; cancer and diabetes diagnosis; tax compliance - AI and Data Science in Health Biotech Life Science - AI and Data Science in Telecom and IT - AI and Data Science in Governance Law and Smart City - AI and Data Science in Education: personalized learning video analytics student performance predication course recommendations open-source recommendations etc - AI and Data Science in Manufacturing Automobile Airline Oil & Gas - AI and Data Science in Agriculture - AI and Data Science in Retail Ecommerce Fashion - AI and Data Science in Banking Finance and insurance Aegis Graham Bell Award was initiated in 2010 as a tribute to the father of the telephone The Alexander Graham Bell. This Award is Asia’s one of the most credible and largest innovation awards intended to promote innovations in the IT Telecom Social Mobility Analytics & Cloud domain and the Exponential Technologies to provide recognition for outstanding contributions by the innovators. The Award is organized with the support of the Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) and Telecom Centres of Excellence (TCOE) India a public-private partnership initiative of DoT with 08 Centres at premier academic institutes (06 IITs IISc and IIMA) of the country each supported by a Telecom Service Provider Convergence India. and NITI Aayog Govt of India. Who can apply: - Final year students pursuing bachelors masters or Ph.D. degree from any academic discipline - Candidates who think that they have the potential interest and ambition to grow as a leader in these areas - Candidates those who have developed some kind of prototype products - Candidates those who have some brilliant ideas to solve problems in the above areas Nomination Process: - Online application. Click at the top link to apply (there is no application fee) - Online Assessment - Interview jury members Important Dates: Application Deadline: 20th December 2019 Final Award Date: 27 Feb 2020 in New Delhi Reward: 1. The winners will be recognized at AEGIS GRAHAM BELL AWARDS 2020 in New Delhi 2. Winners will get to work upon Real-Life Projects 3. Winners will also get support to launch their own start-up in our incubation centers across the country (Mumbai Pune & Bangalore) 4. 100% Scholarship/ Financial Aid From Aegis School of Data Science and Cyber Security for pursuing following Post Graduate Program/ MS: ---- Post Graduate Program / MS in Data Science Business Analytics & Big Data in association with IBM ---- Post Graduate Program / MS in Applied AI Machine learning and Deep Learning in association with IBM ---- Post Graduate Program / MS in Cyber Security in association with IBM These programs are jointly delivered and jointly certified by IBM and Aegis. Final Post Graduate Program certification is issued by IBM