Webinar on Career in Full Stack JavaScript (MEAN)
MEAN stands for MongoDB Express Angular Node after the four key technologies that make up the stack. MongoDB — document database Express(.js) — Node.js web framework Angular(.js) — a client-side JavaScript framework Node(.js) — the premier JavaScript web server In this Masterclass you'll learn : What is MEAN Stack development? Job opportunities for a MEAN stack developer. Eligibility and learning curve to become a MEAN stack developer. About Speaker: Mr. Sanjay Jaiswar Professor at Aegis School of Data Science for the past 12 years has worked as a full stack developer SQL PL/SQL developer and DevOps engineer. He's a Lead engineer and tech consultant for a variety of businesses including Hopscotch and Co-founder of whizzactsolutions an IT consulting and service organisation 🎯 Who should attend? ✅ Web developers DevOps Enthusiasts Practitioners & Career aspirants. ✅ Working professionals want to make a switch to Web Development Software Development. ✅ College Graduates 🗓️ Venue & Date: Date: 27 August 2022 (5:00PM to 6:00 PM) Day: Saturday Venue: Zoom Online Live - A link would be sent to the registered participants.