Intro and Applications of Machine Learning by Dr. Vinay Kulkarni from Aegis School of Data Science
Experts predict that AI will create close to 2.3 million jobs by 2020. Moreover AI offers many unique and viable career opportunities. It is used in almost every industry from entertainment to transportation and the industry has a massive need for qualified and skilled professionals. Machine Learning is one of the hottest career choices today. AI will create 2.3 million Machine Learning jobs by 2020 according to a recent report from Gartner. Both Data Science and Machine Learning are generating more jobs than candidates right now making these two areas the fastest growing tech employment areas today. Just the fact that five out of six Americans use AI services in one form or another every day proves that this is a viable career option. AI has been a sound career choice now because of the growing adoption of the technology across industries and the need for trained professionals to do the jobs created by this growth. Learn from Dr. Vinay Kulkarni Director Aegis School of Data Science; Adjunct Prof IIT Mumbai Phd IIT Mumbai.