Jahnvi Kapoor ka yeh actor Pasand hai...!!
Jahnvi Kapoor is famous post her debut film Dhadak and after which she's been doing rounds through her Instagram images and videos. She recently revealed which is an actor she crushes on. After her first film only she's been constant;y linked to her co-star Ishaan Khatter to which she completely denies. And now on her appearance on the show Famously Filmfare she spoke her heart out and in QnA session spoke about her likes etc. When she was asked which is one film star that she really likes she instantly said the actor of the film Arjun Reddy - Veijay Deverakonda. Further when this question was more asked as to who she would marry and that she really likes to which she candidly replied - 'The answer to this keeps changing every week. And for now her crush is Vijay Deverokonda and the song 'Inkem Inkem' she keeps listening on repeat mode. So Vijay is been a constant from quite sometime'. Jahnvi Kapoor will soon be seen on big screen with her upcoming projects - Gunjan Saxena Biopic film and Takt a multi-starter movie.