Mistakes to avoid during an interview by Deep Joshi Senior Associate at Axtria Ingenious Insights
Live Webinar on Things You Should Avoid in an Interview of AI ML Data Science Business Analytics You only have one chance to leave a first impression when you meet someone for the first time. Getting an interview call for your dream job is another step in the right direction. However it is not the end of the road as you still need to crack that interview. In this Webinar we look at some important interview skills that can help you ace the interview and Common mistakes one makes in an Interview. Join the Event and Meet Mr. Deep Joshi Senior Associate at Axtria Ingenious Insights and alumni of Aegis School of Data Science. He has completed Post Graduate Program in Data Science Business Analytics and Big Data. He will share some tips and tricks to crack an Interview. Agenda: How Aegis helped me to shape my career My experience in the pharma domain Mistakes I did during interviews. How to overcome your fears Check more about Aegis at